E-mail Marketing is here to stay. Spamming is not. We do not believe in sending e-mails to a vast database with the thought that someone will read the message. E-mail marketing is a science and we manage it the same way we conduct all our services, with proper planning and strategy.
E-mail Marketing is a highly effective yet inexpensive form of marketing that allows you to communicate directly with your audience. These e-mails could contain promotional information such as product or service launches, advertisements, discount offers, or a regular newsletter.
E-mail Marketing has evolved considerably, and customers now demand a much more personalized E-mail Service. Gone are the days when companies sent the same Newsletter Design to every customer on their mailing list. ApexVista Technologies helps to segment your customers into groups to deliver the most relevant content to each population.
We consider E-mail Marketing a science, and we analyze and go beyond to ensure that your customer’s newsletters are relevant to them. Our analytics team will carefully go through every newsletter’s bounce rate, click-through rate, spam complaints, number of opens, and unsubscribes, and give you a detailed report of your campaign results. We also make timely checks on your conversions and revenue generated from your E-mail Marketing campaigns. Our copywriters ensure that the right messages are delivered through your e-mail provider, and customers are engaging with your brand.